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Sook Young Yeu

Advising one of the largest Asian government investors on its cross-border fund and related investments aggregating over US$16 billion since the commencement of its alternative investment program over ten years ago.

Counseling on the formation of many of the first Asia-based hedge funds and private equity and venture capital funds, including Prudential Asset Management Asia and HSBC Private Equity Asia, and pioneering cross-border investments by such funds as well as other Asia focused funds and venture investors, including China Vest and Walden International, in multiple jurisdictions including China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam and The Philippines.

Advising on numerous initial public offerings of securities in the US and in Asia, including by Shanghai Petrochemical Company, the first Chinese company with its securities listed on both the Main Board of the SEHK and the NYSE, GCL-Poly Energy Holdings Limited, a leading renewable energy supplier, and China Hongqiao Group Limited, one of the largest aluminium product manufacturers in China.

Advising pioneering Asian technology companies, including Alibaba, Taobao,, in connection with fund raisings and related matters.

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