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Investor-State Arbitration

Advised a US/Netherlands joint venture on investment structuring to secure investment treaty protection under the ECT and applicable BITs, concerning a proposed investment in the wind energy in a CEE country.
Served as counsel to a Central European state in an arbitration against two Luxembourg companies relating to supervisory measures applied by the regulator to a commercial bank.
Served as counsel to a Central European state in an ICSID arbitration relating to an investment in the pharmaceutical sector.
Served as counsel to a Central European state in an ICSID arbitration relating to an investment in the vegetable fat industry. 
Served as counsel to a Central European state in arbitration against Dutch investors relating to a regulatory change in the entertainment sector.
Served as counsel to a Central European state in arbitration against a Luxembourg company relating to an investment in a real estate development company.
Served as counsel to individuals as property owners in an ICSID dispute against Costa Rica relating to the expropriation of real property for environmental purposes.
Served as counsel to EU investors from the renewable energy sector in an arbitration against a CEE country related to regulatory changes.
Served as counsel to a multinational exploration company on treaty-related claims against a Central European state relating to an investment in the mining sector.
Served as counsel to an Israeli company in a dispute related to a breach of contract for the supply of special-purpose vehicles to a Latin American country.
Represented an investor in a German-Argentine BIT arbitration involving a US$50 million claim against The Republic of Argentina in connection with an Argentine bond default.
Advised a UK entity on investment structuring to secure investment treaty protection under the applicable BITs with respect to investments in the energy sector in South America.
Advised an European renewable energy group on investment structuring to secure investment treaty protection under the applicable BITs with respect to investments in the energy sector in various African countries.
Represented a client before the European Court of Human Rights in a matter involving wrongful refusal to enforce an international arbitral award.
Advised a consortium of two European companies in relation to an investment in a floating wind farm in Asia.
Represented a German cement industry investor against a Middle Eastern sovereign in a US$1 billion expropriation ICSID dispute.
Represented Latin American investors in a bank in a US$100 million BIT dispute over a sovereign’s expropriatory government measures.
Served as counsel to a US investor in an ICSID arbitration relating to an investment in the mining industry.
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